Contemporary Management of Condylar Fractures
in Adults
Vincent B. Ziccardi, DDS, MD
Assistant Professor and Residency Program Director
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Andre' Montazem, DMD, MD
Assistant Professor
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
Ronald E. Schneider, DDS
Assistant Professor
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
Daniel Buchbinder, DMD, MD
Professor and Chairman
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
110 Bergen Street
Room B-854
Newark, NJ 07103-2400
(973) 972-7462
Management of condylar fractures in adults is a controversial topic.
This paper will discuss the treatment options available in managing this
common maxillofacial injury. Some of the advances in the armamentarium
used for treating these fractures will also be presented. Inherent in all
treatment algorithms for condylar fractures in adults, is the rigorous
postoperative physical therapy which must be utilized to retain adequate
function. The different approaches to this complex injury will be illustrated
with a variety of case examples.
The condyle is involved in up to one third of all mandibular fractures
in adults. Condylar fractures differ from fractures in other regions of
the mandible in that they usually result from a force applied at the body
or symphyseal region which is transmitted to the more susceptible condylar
process. Fractures of the dentate portion of the mandible can generally
be reduced and stabilized with maxillomandibular fixation (MMF), whereas
condylar fractures can seldom be anatomically reduced by this technique
alone.1 In spite of the lack of reduction of these fractures,
immobilization with MMF remains the most frequently employed treatment
modality. (figures 1 through 4) Conservative
treatment modalities including guided elastic therapy, opening exercises
in front of a mirror to minimize deviation and reproduce occlusion, as
well as dietary restrictions are all useful adjuncts.2 Surgical
management of condylar fractures is complicated by the limited surgical
access and difficulty in restoring normal function. There are cases, however,
which do not lend themselves to surgical treatment such as the severely
comminuted or intracapsular condylar fractures (figures
5 through 8).3
Zide and Kent4 suggested a protocol of absolute and relative
indications for open reduction of condylar fractures which still holds
true today. Their protocol of absolute indications for open reduction included:
displacement of the condyle into the middle cranial fossa
the inability to obtain adequate occlusion by MMF
lateral extracapsular displacement of the condyle with concomitant esthetic
the presence of a foreign body in the joint space.
Relative indications which are subject to individual surgeon preferences
bilateral condylar fractures when there is no available splint or severe
alveolar ridge atrophy precludes its use
unilateral or bilateral fractures where MMF would not be tolerated or recommended
for medical or psychological reasons such as seizure disorder, alcohol
abuse or severe mental retardation
bilateral condylar fractures associated with unstable midface fractures
where vertical support buttresses cannot be reconstructed
bilateral fractures associated with gnathological problems such as apertognathia,
prognathism, retrognathism or dental abnormalities such as loss of periodontal
support, loss of posterior teeth or partial anodontia. (figures
9 through 14)
In the management of adult condylar fractures, the desires of the patient
in not wishing to be immobilized and placed into MMF can be included as
a relative indication for surgical management. (figures
15 through 18) Certainly, many surgeons have been trained in the principles
of rigid internal fixation and have mastered these techniques in other
areas of the craniomaxillofacial region. With the increase in the understanding
of normal joint function, especially through arthroscopic surgery, has
come an interest in restoring soft tissue, ligamentous as well as bony
structures. Finally, a number of alternative techniques have been developed
to treat these fractures without the necessity for prolonged immobilization.
Complications of trauma to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are not
always immediately apparent. Disturbances of occlusion, deviation of the
mandible when opening, internal derangements, ankylosis are all possible
sequelae of this injury.5 Intracapsular fractures may result
in a hemarthrosis which can lead to synovial hypertrophy and an acute inflammatory
response which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of intra-articular
ankylosis. However, experimentally induced hemarthrosis has not been shown
to result in ankylosis.6
The rapid clearance of blood from the joint space is through extravasation
via gaps between synovial intimal cells and phagocytosis by subintimal
macrophages. The driving force behind joint clearance is joint mobility
and intra-articular pressure generation, hence the impetus for early joint
mobilization. Arthroscopic examination of post-traumatic joints has demonstrated
adhesions between the disc and glenoid fossa. Recently injured joints have
been shown to demonstrate hyperemia of the capsule as well as hemarthrosis.
These injuries, however, usually resolve spontaneously as borne out by
clinical experience in the management of condylar fractures.7
Bony destruction, osteophyte formation, and flattening of the condylar
head have been shown to result from the application of rigid fixation to
osteotomies on condylar necks in sheep. Stable fixation may lead to degenerative
changes in the articular surface depending upon the amount of dissection
and manipulation required. Improper condylar head positioning or vascular
injury may also contribute to the condylar degeneration.8 It
has been demonstrated that non-physiological loading in condylar fractures
treated with MMF that were not anatomically reduced also developed degeneration.9
Inadequate restoration of ramal height may create a malocclusion or force
the contralateral condyle into a position which bears a greater load during
mastication with resultant occlusal and adaptive changes.10
The goals of treatment in the management of condylar fractures should
be the restoration of pain-free function, proper occlusion, normal facial
contour and symmetry of motion. Pain and hypomobility, however, may result
from either open or closed procedures. Early mobilization with physiotherapy
may prevent complications such as ankylosis and functional disorders. Ankylosis
does not usually develop in a moving jaw with active physiotherapy. Physiotherapy
should be initiated with the goal of maximal interincisal opening of greater
than 35mm with a full range of excursions and protrusive function. The
cornerstone to a satisfactory outcome is early mobilization, active jaw
movement, and strict follow-up.11
Conservative management alone in children with emphasis on early guided
function generally yields clinically acceptable results. In adults, however,
deviation on opening and reduced movements in lateral and protrusive function
occur more frequently. Symptoms such as clicking and tenderness within
the temporomandibular joint are less predictable based upon the initial
clinical presentation and form part of the basis for the controversy in
the management of condylar fractures in adults.12-15
Condylar fractures may be classified according to whether they are intracapsular
or extracapsular. Within the extracapsular division are the condylar neck
and subcondylar fractures. It is this division of condylar fractures which
may be amendable to surgical reduction and rigid internal fixation. The
degree of condylar displacement has been radiographically classified by
MacLennan16 into four classes: class I is non-displaced, class
II demonstrates deviation at the fracture line, class III is moderate displacement
of the condylar fragment so that the bony ends are not in contact but the
condyle remains within the glenoid fossa and class IV is dislocation of
the condyle from the glenoid fossa. Many surgeons consider class IV fractures
appropriate for surgical intervention, although, they may still be managed
by closed techniques in certain circumstances.
The degree of dislocation of the condylar process is often a factor
in deciding surgical versus closed technique. Other factors to be considered
include the position of the condyle relative to the glenoid fossa, as well
as medial or lateral telescoping with a shortening of the ramal height
and vertical dimension. If a condyle is in the fossa, the fracture will
probably heal in a good functional position once the occlusion is re-established
and active physiotherapy is initiated.3
Condylar Fracture Imaging
The panoramic radiograph is an excellent screening film demonstrating
displacement of fractured condylar segments in the anterior-posterior direction,
but not in the medial-lateral dimension. Advantages of the panoramic film
include its broad image, low radiation dose, and ability to be performed
on patients who are unable to open their mouths. Other radiographic views
and clinical acumen are necessary to spatially reconstruct a three dimensional
image for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.17 The open mouth
Reverse Towne's view is a useful adjunctive film since it prevents the
mastoid air cells and petrous portion of the temporal bone from obstructing
the condylar image.18 Computed tomography (CT) is yet another
useful modality for evaluating fractures of the mandibular condylar process
since both bony and soft tissue windows are available. An additional advantage
of the CT is in the evaluation of sagittal fractures of the condylar head
which can not be identified on plain radiographs because of overlapping
images. However, the use of CT scans can not be routinely recommended in
the evaluation of condylar fractures because of its cost and non-availability
such as in an office setting.19, 20
Surgical Techniques
When open reduction of a condylar fracture is indicated, a number of
surgical approaches and fixation techniques are available (table 1). An
intraoral approach is possible through a vestibular incision similar to
that used for intraoral vertical ramus osteotomies. The condyle can be
manipulated with a clamp and traction applied to the mandible with a percutaneously
placed towel clamp. Traction allows for further manipulation of the displaced
condylar segment. The advantages of an intraoral approach is the absence
of a visible scar, avoidance of facial nerve injury, minimal incidence
of vascular injury, and elimination of parotid parenchymal injury with
subsequent fistula formation. It is, however, more technically difficult
and should be reserved for select low subcondylar fractures.21
A variation of this technique has been described which includes a sub-sigmoid
osteotomy or coronoidectomy that is replaced and fixated with a lag screw
after reduction and fixation of the condylar fracture. The advantage is
the enhanced visualization of the condylar process, although, there is
a greater likelihood of inferior alveolar nerve injury from the osteotomy.22
Combinations of preauricular, endaural, submandibular, retromandibular,
and rhytidectomy approaches may be used to surgically approach condylar
fractures. A retromandibular or submandibular approach alone is suitable
for most subcondylar fractures to achieve direct access for wiring or plating.
Since these fractures are usually oblique in orientation, compression is
generally not necessary and the plates are secured in the neutral mode.23
Control of the proximal condylar fragment may be difficult to achieve,
particularly if significant displacement of the condylar segment has occurred.
Use of a Moule pin has been described to facilitate retrieval of the condylar
head and allow alignment of bone fragments for accurate anatomic reduction
and application of rigid fixation.24 Ellis25 and
Mikkonen26 described a technique when the condyle can not be
retrieved or stabilized by other methods. In this approach, a vertical
osteotomy is created to allow removal of the posterior mandibular border
and condylar fragment which are plated extracorpeally. The entire posterior
border with attached condyle are fixed to the distal mandible with plates
as a free graft. It has been demonstrated in monkeys that re-implanted
mandibular condylar grafts heal and incorporate to function normally.27
This, technique, therefore, may be indicated in those cases in which the
condylar segment could not be reduced and stabilized by other means. Boyne28
has advocated this technique for access in vascular surgery when approaching
carotid aneurysms. He also states that when a condyle is so deformed that
it could not be functional, the distal segment may be reshaped and moved
superiorly into the glenoid fossa to maintain the posterior mandibular
ramal height. However, a number of cases of condylar resorption have been
reported after extracorpeal reduction and fixation of condylar fractures
limiting the usefulness of this procedure as has also been experienced
by the authors of this paper.
It has been postulated that fractured condyles which are displaced out
of the fossa require anatomic repositioning of the disc and condyle to
avoid future problems with occlusion and TMJ dysfunction. Raveh29
has reported the use of open reduction of displaced condylar segments with
no fixation. Patients are placed into MMF for ten days with subsequent
physiotherapy. The correct physiological relation of the condyle in the
glenoid fossa is described as being more important than exact reduction
of bony fragments. Chuong30 described a more physiologic approach
to the management of condylar fractures in which the disc is surgically
repositioned under the operating microscope in addition to rigid fixation
of the bony segments. Bony reduction alone re-establishes ramal height
and serves to reposition the condyle away from the displaced disc. The
medial and lateral pole attachments are disrupted by the trauma which is
thought to preclude spontaneous disc repositioning by fracture reduction
alone. This technique, however, has been described for small series of
patients with limited follow-up and is not practiced by many surgeons.
In spite of these surgical approaches, optimal access for reduction
and placement of plates can be difficult and a number of "work around"
procedures have been described. Postoperative MMF may be combined with
Kirschner wires or intraosseous wires.11, 13 A technique32
using either a K-wire or Steinmann pin has been described where the condylar
segment is reduced and the distal pin or wire is recessed into a superficial
trough created on the posterior mandible which is secured with posterior
border wires. Axial anchor lag screws are an alternative to plate fixation
of condylar fractures. A lag screw has threads only on the distal portion
so they can engage the proximal condylar fragment and provide interfragmentary
compression upon tightening. Lag screw techniques in which a cortical screw
is used by enlarging the hole in the near cortex so that the threads do
not engage is the technique most frequently used in maxillofacial surgery.
Advantages of lag screw fixation include rapid application and minimal
hardware (figures 19 and 20). Contraindication
to the use of lag screws include comminution or loss of bone in the fracture
gap which precludes application of compression or bony interdigitation.
In these instances, a bone plate may be applied in the neutral mode without
affecting occlusion.25 Lag screws have also been placed intraorally
through the mandibular crest. Poor visibility, the need for special instrumentation
and utility for only low subcondylar fractures, limits the applicability
of this technique.33
With lag screw osteosynthesis, the spherical head of the screw acts
as a wedge. This may be overcome by combining the screw with a washer which
transforms the crushing forces into pressure forces which are better tolerated.
The addition of a washer prevents the screw head from penetrating the medullary
bone or cortical fragments from breaking off. Lag screws with washers have
been reported to be able to be turned twice as tight as lag screws without
washers before the surface bone begins to crack.34 Fracture
or osteolysis and resorption of the overlying bone may occur in the axial
anchor screw technique.35 A related technique is the Wurzburg
lag screw plate® (Leibinger, L.P., Dallas, Texas) which incorporates
a collum lag screw and miniplate for high condylar fractures. Preliminary
data indicates that this is a stable means of condylar fracture fixation.36
This article has attempted to review the contemporary management of
condylar fractures in adults based upon anatomic location and degree of
displacement. Support for conservative therapy, closed reduction, and surgical
intervention have been presented as well as reported long term sequelae
of each treatment modality. An algorithm for the management of these fractures
has been developed for assistance to the surgeon in determining optimal
therapy for their patient. Multiple factors play a role in determining
which treatment is best for each patient and the specific clinical scenario.
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1. Which of the following is not true regarding the surgical management
of condylar fractures in adults?
a. limited surgical access
b. potential morbidity of surgery
c. not useful in intracapsular fractures
d. useful in comminuted fractures
2. Absolute indications for the open reduction of condylar fractures
in adults include all the following except?
a. displacement into the middle cranial fossa
b. inability to obtain adequate occlusion
c. patient desires
d. lateral extracapsular displacement
3. Relative indications for the surgical management of condylar fractures
in adults include all the following except?
a. bilateral condylar fractures
b. Non-displaced fracture of the condylar neck
c. bilateral condylar fractures with unstable midface fractures preventing
adequate vertical buttresses
d. bilateral fractures with gnathological problems such as apertognathia
or prognathism
4. Complications of trauma to the temporomandibular joint include all
the following except?
a. disturbances of occlusion
b. deviation of the mandible when opening
c. hypertrophy of adenoid masses
d. internal derangements
5. The goals of treatment in the management of condylar fractures should
include all of the following except?
a. restoration of painful function
b. proper occlusion
c. symmetry of motion
d. adequate amount of opening and excursive function
6. In experimentally induced hemarthrosis, which of the following statements
is not true?
a. Rapid clearance of blood is via gaps between synovial cells
b. A postulated driving force for this clearance is joint immobility
c. Intra-articular joint pressure assists in blood clearance
d. Ankylosis does not occur
7. Factors which influence whether or not to surgically treat a condylar
fracture include all the following except?
a. Age of the patient
b. Shortened ramal height from telescoping of the distal segment
c. Degree of condylar dislocation
d. Subcondylar fracture location
8. Which of the following surgical approaches may be used independently
or in combination for the management of condylar fractures in adults?
a. retromandibular
b. intraoral
c. rhytidectomy
d. preauricular
e. all the above are correct
9. Anatomic repositioning of a condyle which has been displaced out
of the fossa may be repositioned by all the following methods except?
a. Moule pin
b. Kirshner pin (k wire)
c. intraosseous wire
d. endodontic file
10. Which of the following statements are false regarding the use of
lag screws?
a. They are an alternative form of fixation in the fixation of fractures
b. They are useful in comminuted fractures
c. use minimal hardware
d. create compression between bone surfaces
Answers to the above questions
Question #1: |
Correct answer is D |
Question #2: |
Correct answer is C |
Question #3: |
Correct answer is B |
Question #4: |
Correct answer is C |
Question #5: |
Correct answer is A |
Question #6: |
Correct answer is B |
Question #7: |
Correct answer is D |
Question #8: |
Correct answer is E |
Question #9: |
Correct answer is D |
Question #10: |
Correct answer is B |